You are a fine artist, and your illustrations for children are just what they like. But building those into your own narrative – that’s a different story.
IllustWriter is an introduction to writing picture books for illustrators by Sieneke de Rooij and Mina Witteman.
Deze masterclass is Engelstalig, een Nederlandse versie is in voorbereiding.
- Information and registration: SCBWI, the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (join them! They’re great!)
- Date/Time: 01/18/2015; 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
- Location: ABC Treehouse; Voetboogstraat 11 – Amsterdam, 1012 XK

You may tell yourself you don’t want to be like those writers who try and draw their own characters, which may turn out – hmm, not so good… But deep down, you’d really like to do a book all by yourself.
Why not give it a try? Get help from two experienced children’s book writers and editors and become an IllustWriter!
What do you know about different age groups? What can kids of a certain age grasp? How simple does it have to be, how many characters can there be, how much tension is fun or just too much? What is your view of the world you want to present? What do you really want to tell them? And how do you pour all your feeling into a great storyline?
A strong plot is the foundation of your story and, like a building without a sturdy base, your story will rattle and shake at the first wind that blows through. In this hands-on workshop, we will explore plot. Your plot! Through readings and writing exercises, we will find out what plot is all about.
Writers who’d like to hone their picture book story telling craft are most welcome, too!
© The ‘IllustWriter’ workshop is an invention of Mina Witteman and Sieneke de Rooij